The credit limit can be granted to any card, issued by Rietumu.
The cards come without credit limit, meaning that you can only spend amount transferred to the card.
Credit limit can be granted without collateral or against collateral, that can be term deposit, security deposit or financial instruments and monetary funds held on investment accounts placed with the bank.
The decision about the amount of credit limit is taken in each case individually, taking into the consideration the history of cooperation with the bank and financial parameters.
There is no term established within which the spent amount must be reimbursed. It is only necessary to pay for the actually used amount of credit limit, and there is no fee for a delayed payment.
The Bank calculates a credit limit interest on the daily basis for the credit limit amount disbursed (the amount outstanding) as of the end of the day. The interest accrued is withdrawn from the card account at the end of the month.